Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A stroll down memory lane....

Jane Fossett posted an article on SLSailing.com about me (Art and Architecture of the Medici - header of the article is Monday dockside). I want to thank Jane for the article and it caused me to do a stroll down my SL memory Lane. FYI, I was "born" into SL in February of 2004. My first passion in Second Life and the reason that I joined was to help build a reconstruction of Myst Online. Fairly soon after I joined SL and found the group, I was asked to help build the reconstruction of parts of that fantasy online world on Telador Isle. Woody Blair and Rizpah Galatea taught me how to build. The picture here is from those days... I am the avatar in the red dress and MTW is sitting to my left. He appears to have not changed much from those old days. I'm not exactly sure of the date of this picture...but I believe it is in early 2005.

My passion for building meshed with my interest in Frank Lloyd Wright to lead me to do a build of Fallingwater and another of the Allen Lambe house (a much less famous FLW build). My version of Fallingwater was orginally on my property in Hooper as was my version of the Allen Lambe house. When MTW and I became partners in Hollywood, I moved Fallingwater to Hollywood (approximately where the Holly Kai Golf Club is now). The Allen Lambe House was then built on my property in Hooper which I have now sold.

NOW for something you might have more interest in... and that would be photos from old sailing events. Including ONE which actually has MTW SAILING!! Yes it is true. This photo is September of 2005... it was probably one of the very early SYC Regattas. I believe that I am flying over the end of the startline. The building behind the boats on the right was the original SYC clubhouse. Some of you may remember it. The building to its left is the Admiral's Daughter Pub. In the sky on the far right side of this picture, you can see the floating MarkTwain Manor. I have rebuilt this and it is now our home in Union Passage. I have more pictures that I will post here as I have time.