MarkTwain White published earlier this morning a new video featuring a Navy vs. Pirate Battle in the Blake sims (not to be confused with the Blake SEA sims which Linden Lab owns). We used this short video as the starting point for a new event we are calling Blake Bazaar: at eight am SLT every OTHER Saturday morning. After the video this morning, I entertained the crowd with my WAND from Starax Statosky (miss you Starax!) and then we had a pick-up game of Tugby (or rather a FORM of Tugby). Afterwards we all joined at the tavern in Puerto Diego and knocked back some Tequila and rum. (IMPORTANT NOTE: If you like the video - please go to YouTube and comment or give it a thumbs up.)
On a far more serious note: this morning is the beginning of Relay for Life. Let's go over to those sims, and walk the track... or sail the course. GO RELAY.